Free Elf Hat Pattern

Free Elf Hat Pattern

A few month ago I created this pattern for Doll Castle News, Toymaker Elf overalls for Sasha and Gregor dolls. Designed for their holiday issue, but looks really cute in linen or other colors for an everyday look. Be sure to subscribe to Doll Castle News magazine to receive your copy soonest and get the exclusive pattern. You can also order the single issue at

The overalls fit both older, smaller Sasha dolls and the taller dolls made in the 80’s.

Sasha doll overalls

When I was designing the overalls, I thought a cute elf hat complete the look.

Here is the free pattern for the felt elf hat. I sewed it by hand, but it can also be sewn on the sewing machine.

  1. Cut out a circle, 8 1/4″ diameter, from felt. I used a plate and traced it on the felt. I used wool felt.
  2. Cut the felt circle in half.
  3. Embellish with trims, ribbons, or whatever your heart desires.
  4. Fold the half-circle felt in half, right sides together and sew the center back seam. Round the corner at the top.
  5. Use anti-fray sealant to seal the raw edges of the trims.

For different sized dolls, adjust the circle size.

Happy Sewing!