Tag: kids

Prepping for Classes… and little preview

Prepping for Classes… and little preview

I’ve been prepping for a new class session. Being prepared and organized definitely helps the class time to go more smoothly. Most often I teach project based classes. These types of sewing classes are popular, because everyone likes to have something to take away with 

It’s a good start,

It’s a good start,

to a new year. We celebrated in our low-key way. Playing board games, watching a movie, staying up to watch the ball drop, and make plenty of noise. We also made a new treat. Mini Cheesecakes! You can get the recipe here at PBS.org They 

The Burgundy Coat, finished

The Burgundy Coat, finished

The wool coat has been finished. The bound buttonholes are in and I’m pretty happy with them. Putting all the pieces together, I find that I must line the coat.  I really do not like the exposed seams as they look now. I regret not 

Pears Falling all Around

Not sure what happen…August has come and gone. School is back in full swing, and it is evident we neglected forgot to prune our pear tree last winter, before it had a chance to grow out of control. So now we have an obscene amount 

What Summer Brings

Summer has finally come to our little town here in Oregon. It is well worth the wait! First we went to pick these in late June: My youngest used these fresh picked Oregon Strawberries to make homemade jam, which she will be entering at the