Sewing Bee Finals

Sewing Bee Finals

The finalists have all sent in their entries. The challenge: Princess Seamed Bodice. The brief this week was to use the Princess Seamed Bodice from Doll Dress Boutique as a base and design a garment or outfit around the bodice design. They were allowed to 

Week 2 Entries

Week 2 Entries

The Great Avery Lane Sewing Bee Week 2. We have 10 competitors sewing for their dolls and showing off their mad skills. The challengers found themselves sewing running stitches on yards of fabric and lace for beautiful ruffles for their garments, as this week’s challenge 

Garment of the Week

Garment of the Week

Congratulations, Andee, maker of the Garment of the Week. Here is Andee’s week 1 entry, chosen Garment of the Week. ~Erin

Week 1 Entries

Week 1 Entries

Week 1 challenge: Collars. The challengers were told to make a garment, designed by Erin, with a collar. They were not allowed to modify the pattern, but could embellish it to their hearts content. Let’s look at their entries. Aren’t those spectacular garments sewn by 

Welcome to the Great Avery Lane Sewing Bee

Welcome to the Great Avery Lane Sewing Bee

This week the Great Avery Lane Sewing Bee started with the first challenge brief sent out to our 11 challengers. I’m so excited to see what the challengers create! Meet the judges! Allow me to introduce our talented challengers. The challenger will have until Monday 

The Great Avery Lane Sewing Bee

The Great Avery Lane Sewing Bee

Applications are now being accepted and the challenge is set to start September 21. A huge thank you to Margie of Too Cute Doll Designs magazine for co-sponsoring the Sewing Bee! Here are all the details! Happy sewing!~Erin

New Pattern Doll Castle Magazine

New Pattern Doll Castle Magazine

Several months ago I was asked to submit an exclusive pattern for the publication Doll Castle News. If you haven’t heard of Doll Castle, they have been around for a long time, since the early 60’s, and publish such an informative and delightful magazine, all 

Doll Studio Boutique Challenge

Doll Studio Boutique Challenge

I’m always super impressed with the entries to these challenges and this time was no exception. The challenge: sew an 8-12 piece wardrobe for dolls using patterns from my latest title Doll Studio Boutique. Judges looked at overall group, color and fabric choices, mix and 

Fall Update

Fall Update

Well, Doll Studio Boutique has been delayed and the challenge will be postponed. I don’t want to run the challenge during the holidays, so I will host the challenge soon after the winter holidays. Holidays are a time for baking, eating, games, and most of 

ICYMI guest blog post

ICYMI guest blog post

I created a little post over on the C&T Pub blog this week. a little behind the scene inspiration as I wrote Doll Studio Boutique. Happy weekend!~Erin