Red and White and Quilted All Over

Red and White and Quilted All Over

Cute Red and White Hexagon Placemat

With soccer season in full swing, I find myself sitting and waiting a lot: sitting through soccer practice, waiting for soccer practice to end and the older soccer kids to walk to the car, etc.  I’ve decided soccer season is also hexie season. I bring my hexagon travel case with me and can make hexagons. It has everything: scissors, thread, needle and pin cushion, clips, templates, and lots of  precut hexagons. I don’t like using fabric squares; I prefer to have fabric hexagons. They are less bulky and fold neatly around my template. Unlike using fabric squares that are bulky and don’t hold their hexagon shape as easily, even after pressing.

hexagon travel box blog

Hexies are my current crush right now. Here’s a fun quilted placemat design I made. I love all the quilti-goodness.

Modern  Red and White Hexagon Quilted Placemat

The Red and White makes this so crisp and clean looking.

Cute Red and White Modern Hexagon Quilted Placemat

Cute Red and White Hexagon Quilted Placemat

Red and White Hexagon Quilted Placemat    Love the quilting


This project deserves one of those “this took forever” tags…the quilting took a good chunk of time. Well worth it, I think. I love how the quilting turned out.