Sew in Style Sewing Camp

Avery Lane Sew in Style Book Sewing camp
Drawstring Backpack Project

Yesterday got away from me. After Sew in Style Sewing Camp, I spent hours getting my 4-Her and her projects ready for judging on Saturday. She has made some really nice projects over  the year. She made cherry jam with the cherries on our tree and will also bake today and tomorrow. Then it was an extremely quick dinner and off to a soccer game for my son. I didn’t get home until after 8 and was too tired to do any blogging. BUT I really, really want to share the campers projects!


They finished all their drawstring backpack projects from the School Days chapter of Sew in Style. They started the sleeping bag projects and today we will add a matching pillowcase, pillow insert, and sleep mask! I can’t tell you how much fun I’ve had teaching from my book.

Avery Lane Sew in Style Book Sewing camp4
Sleeping Bag Project from It’s a Sleepover Chapter


Avery Lane Sew in Style Book Sewing camp 5
Drawstring backpack and mini skirt projects

I’ve spent a lot of time talking about how to use the book and showing them how. One young lady is just going to town with my book (my grandma used to say that. Do people still say that?). She is very impressive and so fun to have in camp, though she doesn’t need much help from me. As she put it, “The book makes it really easy to know what to do!”

Sleeping bag project
Sleeping bag project
Simple Top project
Simple Top project

She went home Tuesday, came back with a sleeping bag, pillowcase, and  the Simple Top (On the Go Chapter) all finished! And they all looked great!


Simple Top project from Sew in Style-Make Your Own Doll Clothes  Sewing book for kids
Simple Top  and Mini Skirt projects from Sew in Style-Make Your Own Doll Clothes
Sewing book for kids

In class, she made another top and messenger bag. I hope to share more projects when I have more time!

I’m off to teach sewing camp this morning…