He’s walking… and building awareness with every visible step

This is one of the key elements to supporting any cause. Helping others become more aware of the cause, of the situation, of the disease. He is joining many others to be part of something good, something bigger than himself.

Thank you to all those who helped support my son by purchasing Avery Lane patterns yesterday and Thursday! 1/3 of all purchases made were donated 🙂

My son reached and surpassed his donation goal; ironically, the dollar amount was exactly 110% of his intended goal 🙂 at $121!

giving and volunteering develops a giving heart

I hope this experience will help my son to grow an even bigger giving heart than he already has. It is in our actions we share with others who we are, what we believe in, and how we feel. When we give to others, volunteer, and help others, we not only care about those we help more, but we grow a giving heart, a heart that cares more and readily gives and volunteers. In giving service, we strengthen our community and those we interact with. Rising up to give service to others helps to raise others up.

As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
We also strengthen ourselves and feel good about who we are when we connect with others and volunteer and give support.  I hope his example  encourages his peers to grow giving hearts as well. I know it makes me want to do more. Thanks again for all those who stepped up and helped my son step up to help and give to others.

