the Blog

Released! Bucket Hats Pattern

Released! Bucket Hats Pattern

I love hats! Hats are so fun, don’t you think? Bucket Hats sewing pattern for 18 inch dolls will fit American Girl dolls, Gotz Little Sister dolls, and many other similarly sized dolls. My girls both through a hat stage, wearing them everywhere. They are 

New Pattern coming soon

New Pattern coming soon

New 18″ Doll Pattern by Avery Lane for adorable hats.

Sewing Challenge

Sewing Challenge

A new sewing challenge this month! Theme Storybook characters, using any Avery Lane Pattern, tutorial, or my pattern books. Inspired by our summer tradition of joining the local library summer reading programs, story time, and the hundreds of fairytales we read together when my children 

DDB May Challenge Winners

DDB May Challenge Winners

The May dress sewing challenge this year was a month-long event and so much fun! The main challenge was to create a dress using patterns from Doll Dress Boutique. The entry dresses were all so pretty, with such lovely details. It was definitely a challenge 

New Pattern Released!

New Pattern Released!

I have a new pattern available in my Etsy shop for immediate download. Mia Modern Overall Dress, designed to fit 14″-15″ dolls, such as Wellie Wishers, Ruby Red Fashion Friends, and Hearts for Hearts dolls. This design was drafted last year and was meant to 

Mini Quilt Tutorial

Mini Quilt Tutorial

I made this mini quilt using the economy block and wrote up a quick sewing tutorial, so you can make this adorable mini quilt, too. It’s a great size for hanging up in the sewing room, as I’m doing, but also would make a lovely 

May Sewing Challenge

May Sewing Challenge

The May Doll Dress Boutique sewing challenge starts soon! Here are the main details, rules, and prizes! Join the Avery Lane Pattern Sewing Group on facebook for more details and to enter!~Erin

Earth Day 2021

Earth Day 2021

To observe earth day, I took my phone with me on a dog walk, paying attention to all the plants thriving and blooming today. I’m grateful for plants, nature, and the earth. The dogwoods! We interrupted a hawk. It was about 10 feet from us, 

Wellie Wisher Ruby Red Fashion Friend Comparison

Wellie Wisher Ruby Red Fashion Friend Comparison

Ruby Red Fashion Friends are a newish doll in the doll world. How do they compare to American Girl Brand’s Wellie Wishers? What patterns look on each? Charlotte, Ruby Red Fashion Friends (RRFF) Emerson, AG Wellie Wisher (WW) I like both dolls very much. Each 

Sewing Room Organization

Sewing Room Organization

Meanwhile, when I was organizing my sewing room: What happened to the last few months? I can’t believe it’s already the middle of April. For me, the last year has been super busy. I wrote another book (more on that soon!), moved in the middle