Tag: sewing

Doll Dress Boutique Book Tour

Doll Dress Boutique Book Tour

Today is the kick-off day for my book, Doll Dress Boutique, Blog Tour!! It starts with another Bonus Design on the C&T Publishing’s Blog. Hop on over to get the free Bonus Pattern to make the O Tannenbaum Dress for American Girl Dolls and other 

So Many Dresses, So Little Time

So Many Dresses, So Little Time

My new book, Doll Dress Boutique, was released this month! Here’s some of the fun designs from my book. Several dress patterns have special necklines in the back, making them a little extraordinary.   Now to find the time to sew 🙂   We’re having 

Only Two More Months…

Only Two More Months…

…to wait for the release of Doll Dress Boutique!  It’s seems like forever ago that these designs were just images in my head and sketches on my wall.   I’m so excited to see it in print.  [I’m still waiting, too. I have not received 

Creative Spaces Blog Hop – Week Three – Organizing Tips

Creative Spaces Blog Hop – Week Three – Organizing Tips

Organized is such a relative term. What’s organized for one may make little sense to another, or even feel like chaos. It depends on the person’s point of view, personality, etc.  Take my desk for example.  My desk usually looks like a tornado just hit 

Spring Design Challenge

Spring Design Challenge

It’s time for another doll dress design challenge over at the Avery Lane Sewing group on facebook. This time we are encouraging upcycling, repurposing and making something new from something old, sewing with some cute doll clothes patterns. Spring showers make some pretty flowers… Or 

Baby’s First Book of Nursery Rhymes

Baby’s First Book of Nursery Rhymes

Welcome back for the Once Upon a Rhyme blog post #2. I received these gorgeous fabrics from Riley Blake, just in time to make some handmade gifts for my sister, who is having her first baby. The collection is Once Upon a Rhyme; the very 

AG Doll Dress Design Challenge

AG Doll Dress Design Challenge

It’s time for another American Girl Doll Design Challenge: Make Mine Vintage, Please! October 20 – November 6. Grand Prize is a copy of the kids’ sewing book: Sew in Style – Make Your Own Doll Clothes, wrapped up in fabric and trims–perfect for gifting 

Fall Quilt Market Sewing

Fall Quilt Market Sewing

I’ve been sewing and designing  a lot in the studio this month. I finished several doll pieces for my friends at Andover fabrics for their booth at the Fall 2016 International Quilt Market. I was working up until the deadline, so I didn’t take proper 

Doll Days events

Doll Days events

The Doll Days blog tour is moving quite nicely. Yesterday, I posted a tutorial on   C&T Pub blog    for how to trace your patterns and preserve the originals, so they stay just like new. I also did a sew along and posted a bonus 

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day

I’ve been so busy that I forgot all about Earth Day this year. Thank goodness for social media to help me remember things I don’t want to forget (and be reminded of things I wish I could forget, and see things I wish I had