Trends Show

I’m home and settled back into the routine of laundry, sack lunches, soccer practices, and fitting in sewing whenever I can. The EE Schenck Trends show was fun! Here are some pictures from my booth.
The empty table is where I set up to do my demonstration and Make-n-Take activity.
I was super tired on Sunday night and it was so good to be home. My teens had so much to tell me that we stayed up a little past bedtime to share and reconnect.
Here’s another thing that I’d like to share…the best pin magnet ever. Seriously. The Zirkel.
If you’re like me, you have 3+ pin magnets and half a dozen pin cushions. I even have that lame wrist pin magnet (which has a snap bracelet design that has been an epic fail )
So why buy another one? Well, this one is quite unique. The grabbit and other magnets are great at picking up the pins, but they end up in a big clump and more often than not I get poked when pulling out pins. [this is a huge complaint of my 13 year old daughter–and why she prefers a pin cushion.]
This is an extremely strong magnet, which arranges the pins automatically to fan out along the edges. I placed the pins in a heap on my table and simply hovered the magnet over them. This is what the pins look like after picking them all up at once.
The pins are easily taken off one-by-one (even from the sharp side) without getting poked or pricked.
Say goodbye to the pin magnet poke. [not to be confused with the hokey pokey, which is quite amusing] My daughter is thrilled! She played around with it, trying to see if she could get poked and disprove this little magnet’s claims. She failed to prove the magnet a liar and proclaimed she will use this magnet.
This is what we go to Sewing Expos for. To find new tools to make our sewing life even more enjoyable and find out about the latest trends. I also love coming home completely inspired and motivated to sew something new 🙂