My ZigZag Doll Quilt is done!

I really like how my zigzag doll quilt came out. (chevron quilt?) After washing it, it looks even better. To get the free doll quilt pattern (for the quilt top how-to) see this post:
After finishing the top, trimmed it.
Layered and hand basted the batting, backing, and top together.
Quilted in a zigzag stitch pattern, right along with the zigzag pattern of the fabrics. I quilted right on top of my hand basting. After I was done quilting, I just pulled the basting threads out.
Trimmed the backing and batting to be the same as the quilt. After I quilted, I ended up trimming off more from the length and the width for a finished quilt of 18″ x 22″. I only did this so I could use this coordinating print for the binding.
I used a castle hand stitch to sew the binding to the backing. [some call it the ladder stitch–I call it the castle stitch, because it reminds me of the top of a castle wall] The stitches are invisible.
I also made a little label to go on the back
I used a piece of a selvage to make a honey bee tag 🙂 and used embroidery floss and a blanket stitch to attach it. I like the homemade feel to this technique.
I hope the recipient likes her new quilt 🙂 I loved making it! I’ve already 2 more quilts in mind that I want to stitch up.
Happy Stitching!