A Little Holiday Craftiness

I have been gettin’ crafty–it’s the best time of year to get crafty.
Here is a craft I did with my daughter. I made this white clay, after seeing Anna’s post over at The Imagination Tree blog.
I made the clay and kneaded some white glitter into it. It feels much like playdough. My daughter rolled out some clay (about 1/2 – 3/4 inch thick) and used cookie cutters to make the shapes.
She then made a hole using a straw. We left them out for several days to air dry, flipping them over once midway.
Though she had fun using the rolling pin and cookie cutters, she got creative and had much more fun using her hands to create a monster wearing a Santa hat.
She made a few things…she played with this white
playdough clay for about 2 hours 🙂
After the ornaments were dry and hard, we threaded some ribbon through the hole and hung them up.
We had a fun afternoon together, and it brought me a lot of joy to see my 12 year old have so much fun playing, as freely as she used to when she was little.
What are some holiday crafts that you have enjoyed this season?