DIY Spaghetti Straps

One of the handiest thingies in my sewing box is the bias tape maker. Nope, not the electronic machine thing. Just a simple gadget that keeps you from burning your fingers while pressing the small piece of fabric. I use this for making tiny straps for summer dresses and tops. Since we saw about 25 Robins this morning on our walk to school (I kid you not–there were too many to count. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that many Robins in one place before), it means spring is coming soon-yay! Which means spring and summer sewing at our house. My girls love to plan warm weather clothes, and I love to sew them up. So spaghetti straps are in order, as they are a favorite request.
I don’t always cut them on the bias (diagonally across the grain of the woven fabric), and have not had problems.
You’ll need to cut your fabric strips the width specified for the size bias tape maker you’re using.
First, snip diagonally at the end of your fabric strip.
Put the trimmed end in the bias tape maker. Use a straight pin to push it through. Use the pin to slide it until it comes out the narrow end.
Then use an iron to press the folded fabric that is now sticking out of the narrow part of the bias tape maker. At this point, you can hold the handle thing on top of the bias tape maker and pull it away from the iron and folded fabric. Pull just a little at a time and iron the fabric that comes out.
Pull a little, iron a little, and repeat—until you’ve ironed the whole strip.
Now fold it in half lengthwise for a double fold bias tape and press.
Now sew it closed.
And it’s done!
Quick and easy, without getting your hands near that hot iron.
Happy Spring!