Onion Goggles? Really?

While browsing a local cooking supply type store, I saw these– Ridiculous-looking goggles for the cook (or prep cook, whichever it may be) to wear while cutting onions. Now I have thought safety goggles, even for cooking, are a good thing (especially in my kitchen), but for the sole purpose of cutting onions? Save your $20! There’s a free alternative…. and surely I am not the only person that knows to do this.

Place your onions in the refrigerator. Chill it completely. That’s it. Try it sometime. I have done this for years, and I never cry while cutting onions.

<<Would be nice to have a picture of an onion right here, wouldn’t it?>>

My mom tried to convince me that cutting onions next to a lighted candles stops you from tearing up, but I disagreed. Tested her theory, and we both discovered refrigerated onions works better to stop all the tears. Though she’s a bit stubborn  strong-willed, and continues to light her candles–She says she doesn’t mind a little cry now and again, especially  in a candle-lit room. Okay–whateves.

All one need to do is keep onions in the fridge instead of the pantry. Simple and free solution. Now, you won’t look as geeky cool as you would wearing head gear while cooking, but you could still do both 😉 Or better yet, just grab the pool bag and steal your kid’s goggles. I bet someone has already figured that one out, too. I should do a google goggle onion search.

I’m sure there are a ton of tips and tricks that I don’t know about–feel free to share them in the comments. I need all the help I can get 🙂
